Mercredi 22 novembre | 15h30-16h30 | Salle de commission 2.2 | Conférences techniques
Les Logiciels libres : véritable outil pour repousser l’obsolescence ?
Sponsorisé par :

CEO - Directrice Innovation
Research Engineer in Information Systems and Knowledge Management in 2001, I then completed a CIFRE thesis at Mondeca in partnership with the University of Paris 4 Sorbonne and Paris 10 Nanterre (2003-2007). My thesis enabled me to combine methods and tools from Automatic Language Processing with those of the Semantic Web to create applications based on ontology populating, semantic annotation and logical reasoning. In 2007, I became R&D Innovation Director at Mondeca and took part in numerous collaborative research projects using Semantic Web, ontology, natural language processing and graph database technologies to design innovative applications for various sectors: Health, Industry, Tourism, Governmental Organization, Legal, Media, Food. In October 2017, I decided to strike out on my own and embark on an entrepreneurial adventure. Always passionate about the fields of knowledge acquisition, Smart Data and the Semantic Web, I wanted to put these skills and my experience at the service of an activity that is particularly close to my heart because it's the one that feeds us every day: agriculture. And more specifically I focused on market gardening, which has very few digital tools at its disposal to manage a very significant complexity of information and data, while being very vulnerable to current transitions (social, environmental, climatic, economic, regulatory...). I therefore co-founded Elzeard in 2019 to develop a new digital companion for the production activities of market gardeners and facilitate their transition to more sustainable agriculture. It relies on a new ontology and its knowledge graph called C3PO (Crop Planning and Production Process Ontology) available as open data to support the dissemination and interoperability between agtech platforms in order to bring new innovative services to the farmers, counsellors and teachers. Knowledge is like air or water, a common good to all humans that needs to be shared with others for the sake of humanity. As such, through Elzeard's project, I hope to have a positive impact on tomorrow's food and environmental issues and challenges we're all facing around the world.
Consultante en solutions numériques
Smile - I.T is Open
De formation technique, j'ai très rapidement cherché à mettre mes compétences au service des besoins opérationnels des utilisateurs. Formation, atelier, analyse, gestion de projet, réponse à appels d'offre, conception fonctionnelle, capitalisation technique : autant de modalités pour accompagner les équipes dans leur évolution et le déploiement d'un système organisationnel et numérique efficient et durable, à leur service.
Arnaud LEVY
Co-fondateur & développeur
Développeur, co-fondateur de la coopérative noesya. Maître de conférences associé et directeur des études, IUT Bordeaux Montaigne, département MMI. Membre associé du laboratoire MICA. Référent approche par compétences, ADIUT. Co-fondateur de Conviviel et A11y Universités.
Xavier VERNE
Expert Numérique Responsable
The Shift Project
Ingénieur Télécom Paris, 2003 Agrégé de mathématiques Directeur du numérique responsable, SNCF Enseignements à Telecom Paris, GreenIT / IT4Green